院長の主な執筆論文のご紹介|産婦人科 花小金井レディースクリニック 女性医師在籍 不妊治療 妊婦健診 NIPT 小平市 田無 東久留米

花小金井駅から徒歩3分の産科・婦人科 花小金井レディースクリニック 不妊・不育相談 妊婦健診 小平市 田無 東久留米







  • 1. Monsivais D, Nagashima T, Hyyryläinen RP, Nozawa K, Shimada K, Tang S, Hamor C, Agno JE, Chen F, Masand RP, Young SL, Creighton CJ, DeMayo FJ, Ikawa M, Lee SJ, Matzuk MM: Endometrial receptivity and implantation require uterine BMP signaling through an ACVR2A- SMAD1/SMAD5 axis. Nat Commun 2021 Jun 7;12(1):3386
  • 2. Nagashima T, Li Q, Caterina CL, Lydon JP, DeMayo FJ, Matzuk MM: BMPR2 is required for postimplantation uterine function and pregnancy maintenance. J Clin Invest 2013 June 3;123(6):2539-50
  • 3. Li Q, Agno JE, Edson MA, Nagaraja AK, Nagashima T, Matzuk MM: Transforming growth factor β receptor type 1 is essential for female reproductive tract integrity and function. PLoS Genet 2011 Oct;7(10):e1002320
  • 4. Nagashima T, Kim J, Li Q, Lydon JP, DeMayo FJ, Lyons KM, Matzuk MM: Connective growth factor is required for normal follicle development and ovulation. Mol Endocrinol 2011 Oct;25(10):1740-59
  • 5. Ono M, Kajitani T, Uchida H, Arase T, Oda H, Nishikawa S, Masuda H, Nagashima T, Yoshimura Y, Maruyama T: OCT4 expression in human uterine myometrial stem/progenitor cells. Hum Reprod 2010: 25(8), 2059-67
  • 6. Masuda H, Matsuzaki Y, Hiratsu E, Ono M, Nagashima T, Kajitani T, Arase T, Oda H, Uchida H, Asada H, Ito M, Yoshimura Y, Maruyama T, Okano H: Stem cell-like properties of the endometrial side population: implication in endometrial regeneration. PLoS One 2010: 28;5(4), e10387
  • 7. Arase T, Uchida H, Kajitani T, Ono M, Tamaki K, Oda H, Nishikawa S, Kagami M, Nagashima T, Masuda H, Asada H, Yoshimura Y, Maruyama T: The UDP-glucose receptor P2RY14 triggers innate mucosal immunity in the female reproductive tract by inducing IL-8. J Immunol 2009: 1;182(11), 7074-84
  • 8. Nagashima T, Maruyama T, Uchida H, Kajitani T, Asada H, Ono M, Oda H, Kagami M, Masuda H, Nishikawa S, Asada H, Yoshimura Y: Activation of SRC kinase and phosphorylation of STAT5 are required for decidual transformation of human endometrial stromal cells. Endocrinology 2008: 149(3), 1227-1234
  • 9. Ohta K, Maruyama T, Uchida H, Ono M, Nagashima T, Arase T, Kajitani T, Oda H, Morita M, Yoshimura Y: Glycodelin blocks progression to S phase and inhibits cell growth: a possible progesterone-induced regulator for endometrial epithelial cell growth. Hum Reprod 2008: 14(1), 17-22
  • 10. Kajitani T, Liu S, Maruyama T, Uchida H, Sakurai R, Masuda H, Nagashima T, Ono M, Arase T, Yoshimura Y: Analysis of serum FSH bioactivity in a patient with an FSH-secreting pituitary microadenoma and multicystic ovaries: A case report. Hum Reprod 2008: 23(2), 435-9
  • 11. Ozawa N, Maruyama T, Nagashima T, Ono M, Arase T, Ishimoto H, Yoshimura Y: Pregnancy outcomes of reciprocal translocation carriers who have a history of repeated pregnancy loss. Fertil Steril 2008: 90(4), 1301-4
  • 12. Ono M, Maruyama T, Masuda H, Kajitani T, Nagashima T, Arase T, Ito M, Ohta K, Uchida H, Asada H, Yoshimura Y, Okano H, Matsuzaki Y: Side population in human uterine myometrium displays phenotypic and functional characteristics of myometrial stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007: 104(47), 18700-18705
  • 13. Nagashima T, Maruyama T, Furuya M, Kajitani T, Uchida H, Masuda H, Ono M, Arase T, Ozato K, Yoshimura Y: Histone acetylation and subcellular localization of chromosomal protein BRD4 during mouse oocyte meiosis and mitosis. Mol Hum Reprod 2007: 13(3), 1-8
  • 14. Masuda H, Maruyama T, Hiratsu E, Yamane J, Iwanami A, Nagashima T, Ono M, Miyoshi H, Okano HJ, Ito M, Tamaoki N, Nomura T, Okano H, Matsuzaki Y, Yoshimura Y: Noninvasive and real-time assessment of reconstructed functional human endometrium in NOD/SCID/null immunodeficient mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007: 104(6), 1925-1930
  • 15. Uchida H, Maruyama T, Ono M, Ohta K, Kajitani T, Masuda H, Nagashima T, Arase T, Asada H, Yoshimura Y: Histone deacetylase inhibitors stimulate cell migration in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells through up-regulation of glycodelin. Endocrinology 2007: 148(2), 896-902
  • 16. Uchida H, Maruyama T, Nagashima T, Ono M, Masuda H, Arase T, Sugiura I, Onouchi M, Kajitani T, Asada H, Yoshimura Y: Human endometrial cytodifferentiation by histone deacetylase inhibitors. Hum Cell 2006: 19(1), 38-42
  • 17. Uchida H, Maruyama T, Nagashima T, Asada H, Yoshimura Y: Histon deacetylase inhibitors induce differentiation of human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells through up-regulation of glycodelin. Endocrinology 2005: 146(12), 5365-5373
  • 18. Maruyama T, Masuda H, Uchida H, Nagashima T, Yoshimura Y: Follicle stimulating hormone-secreting pituitary microadenoma with fluctuating levels of ovarian hyperstimulation. Obstet Gynecol 2005: 105(5), 1215-1218
  • 19. Uchida H, Maruyama T, Arase T, Ono M, Nagashima T, Masuda H, Asada H, Yoshimura Y: Histone acetylation in reproductive organs: significance of histone deacetylase inhibitors in gene transcription. (Review) Reprod Med Biol 2005: 4(2), 115-122


  • 1. 長島 隆,岩下 光利:【Non-ARTの不妊症診療-体外受精なしでここまでできる】子宮卵管造影のコツ 産科と婦人科 2017: 3 (19), 267-271
  • 2. 長島 隆,岩下 光利:性腺ホルモンの基礎知識 内分泌代謝専門医ガイドブック2016, 308-309
  • 3. 小野 政徳,丸山 哲夫,梶谷 宇,内田 浩,荒瀬 透,各務 真紀,小田 英之,西川 明花,升田 博隆,長島 隆,太田 邦明,伊藤 守,浅田 弘法,岡野 栄之,松崎 有未,吉村 泰典:妊娠子宮における子宮筋Side Population細胞の役割 日本生殖内分泌学会雑誌 2008; 13, 25-29
  • 4. 丸山 哲夫,長島 隆,梶谷 宇,内田 浩,吉村 泰典:子宮内膜脱落膜化の機序の解明-チロシンキナーゼSRCの役割と意義 産婦人科の実際 2008; 57(2), 193-198
  • 5. 内田 浩,長島 隆,小野 政徳,荒瀬 透,各務 真紀,岩田 壮吉,丸山 哲夫,吉村 泰典:PCOSを中心に〜PCOSの診断〜 産科と婦人科 2007: 74 (4), 381-388
  • 6. 内田 浩, 丸山 哲夫, 杉浦 育子, 荒瀬 透, 小野 政徳, 長島 隆, 升田 博隆, 浅田 弘法, 吉村 泰典:分泌期優位蛋白質glycodelinと子宮内膜腺上皮細胞の運動能(総説). 日本生殖内分泌学会誌 2006: 10, 25-28
  • 7. 内田 浩, 杉浦 育子, 荒瀬 透, 小野 政徳, 長島 隆, 升田 博隆, 浅田 弘法, 丸山 哲夫, 吉村 泰典:高プロラクチン血症にマスクされた乳腺腫瘍由来乳漏症の1例 日本生殖医学会雑誌 2006: 51 (1-2), 33
  • 8. 丸山 哲夫、荒瀬 透、内田 浩、升田 博隆、長島 隆、吉村 泰典:【GnRH Clinical Report】早発卵巣不全診療におけるGnRHアゴニスト製剤の役割 HORMONE FRONTIER IN GYNECOLOGY 2006: 13 (2), 182-186
  • 9. 長島 隆、丸山 哲夫、内田 浩、升田 博隆、小野 政徳、荒瀬 透、柳 順玉、浅田 弘法、吉村 泰典:【産婦人科 薬物処方の実際】婦人科(内分泌・不妊) 視床下部性無月経 産科と婦人科 2005: 72 (Suppl), 168-173
  • 10. 升田 博隆、丸山 哲夫、内田 浩、長島 隆、岩田 壮吉、浅田 弘法、吉村 泰典:【検査値をどう読むか 産婦人科診療へのアプローチ】生殖・内分泌 GnRH負荷試験 産科と婦人科 2004: 71 (Suppl), 110-114
